Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I was going to just say something generic about leaving for a nice vacation with Megan Laurenty to see New York and visit Mark Romatz, but the reminders all around ask for something more to be said. We traveled on September 11th before when we went to Chicago; this tends to be the best time of year for our schedules. However this is the first time we're flying on the day, and our destination obviously introduces some unease. I knew we would have an easy time with lines and crowds being low, but I think the more important thing is that we're flying. We're not letting them keep us down. We carry on in the face of those who commit these atrocities to keep us terrorized. I never had the honor to serve like my brother, Dennis Hendzell, but in this way we can do our small part.

I was going to just say something generic about leaving for a nice vacation with Megan Laurenty to see New York and visit Mark Romatz, but the reminders all around ask for something more to be said. We traveled on September 11th before when we went to Chicago; this tends to be the best time of year for our schedules. However this is the first time we're flying on the day, and our destination obviously introduces some unease. I knew we would have an easy time with lines and crowds being low, but I think the more important thing is that we're flying. We're not letting them keep us down. We carry on in the face of those who commit these atrocities to keep us terrorized. I never had the honor to serve like my brother, Dennis Hendzell, but in this way we can do our small part.
by Curtis Hendzell

September 11, 2018 at 09:11AM
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